Point Betsie Lighthouse

Our first stop along our Northern Michigan trip was Point Betsie Lighthouse! We had been here before to shoot a wedding last autumn, but we wanted to come back and take our own photos this time! We picked up dorky t-shirts in the gift shop, toured the lighthouse and spent a little time down on the beach! It was so windy and really cold right on the water! We were taking photos and I got soaked by the waves crashing up on the pier. My hair is always doomed to be curly on our trips anyway!

Point Betsie Lighthouse is located about five miles north of Frankfort, Michigan and just south of Sleeping Bear Dunes! I love the view from the tower because you can see Sleeping Bear Dunes and both South and North Manitou Islands. Point Betsie is one of the most photographed lighthouses in the United States and likely the most visited tourist attraction in Benzie County!

I kept my outfits fairly simple on the trip! I wanted to do a lot with pattern mixing and matching my outfits to my locations. I packed five or six pairs of flats! Flats are a must when climbing up endless spiral steps to a lighthouse tower! Especially on the lighthouses where you can step outside at the top, you need something steady. It can be so windy at the top and it's kind of freaky to look down! Have you guys been up to a lighthouse tower before?

Outfit details:

Brawny Beauty Plaid c/o ThreadSence
Forever 21 polka dot bodysuit
Forever 21 cut off jean shorts
Urban Outfitters flats
Urban Outfitters belt
Compass Rose Necklace c/o ModCloth