White's Covered Bridge

This past weekend, Eric and I made the journey out to the middle of nowhere to see White's Covered Bridge. We headed north of the city, got on some back country roads and turned onto a dirt road which lead to this little bridge! It's the oldest covered bridge still in use in Michigan. It crosses the Flat River, which flowed among the prettiest snowy hills. It was really neat to drive on something that was built in 1869. It's one of the area's best-known 19th century structures. So neat. I love history... especially history in Michigan!

I wanted to thank all of you for your comments on my last "diet" post. Don't worry, I will not be focusing my blog to talk about diet and exercise. I'll just be doing a monthly recap on my journey... and as soon as I'm done with it, I won't talk about it anymore. But that way, readers have a little "story" to look back on. I know it inspires a lot of you, and honestly, it keeps me inspired too. I've been doing great this week. It feels great to get back to eating healthy and exercising regularly. I'm even a month ahead of schedule with my 10k training!

I decided that I love blue for winter. It's my official color for winter. Like pinks/corals are for spring, burnt orange is for autumn, red is for summer, and blue is for winter. That's not a hard rule, but I definitely seem to gravitate to those colors in those seasons! Pairing blue with red is definitely another favorite of mine, and black and brown. So I was especially excited about this outfit. I'm just trying to stay warm too. It's brr cold! But I'm glad we finally got some snow that stuck in Michigan. It can be so pretty sometimes.

I also just wanted to say thank you for being patient as I took a month off outfit posting. I just needed a refresh. I sat down, wrote down a ton of ideas for posts, read and reread your survey responses and really thought hard about the future of this blog. And I agree with many of you that I want to just continue doing what I love and get back to my "roots". Taking adventures in Michigan, wearing outfits I love and being myself. It's going to be a good year. Also, a lot of you had concerns about too many giveaways and sponsored content. While I'll still be working with sponsors I personally feel fit with my style, I'm going to try and make it as personal as possible. And I'm also being a bit more strict with giveaways and will try to cut those down a bit. Also! If you're having trouble pinning my outfit photos, you can click the "Pinterest" button at the bottom of my post and select the photo you want to pin. I'm really excited for this year... and I'm so thankful you're here. I appreciate my readers so much. Without you guys, I wouldn't have had the opportunities I've had. So, thank you.

Outfit details:

Urban Outfitters skirt
Hamilton Classic Shirt c/o Tailor and Stylist
Forever 21 belt
J. Crew tights
Target scarf
Silver pearl bracelet c/o Pixie Pie Jewelry
Suki boots c/o ShoeMint