Little Black Dress Party
Last Thursday, I had the honor of attending and guest judging at the Little Black Dress party in Kalamazoo, Michigan! All proceeds went to benefit the West Michigan Cancer Center in honor of Julie Reinholt - a breast cancer survivor. There was food, music, drinks, a fashion show, raffle tickets and a hottest shoes competition - that I got to judge! It was fun to walk around and check out what everyone was wearing. I'm usually so focued on the entire outfit someone is wearing, so it was fun to just focus on shoes this time around. The winner I picked had on super cute, ruffled purple heels. I should have grabbed a pic!

So I just wore a "little black dress" look the other week while I was at our local Style Battle that was a bit fancy, so I decided to go more casual and vintage inspired here with a granny quilt scarf and t-strap heels. We've had the worst autumn weather for the past week, but on this particular day, I was able to pull off bare legs... so I went for it! Of course, it ended up raining later in the night and I was freezing! I'm still holding out for our indian summer this year. I just want a full day of fun, autumn activities.

Well, I have the busiest week of my life this week. I have a fun surprise to announce soon, lots of autumn posts coming your way and some amazing giveaways planned. I'm also working on painting and fixing up my apartment, so I'd love to start blogging about some of that too! Plus, Winny, of course. She's a full time job lately. Potty training is going great, but it's still a challenge. And chewing... oh my gosh. Her little razor teeth are brutal! She's so much fun though. I'm excited about life right now.

Outfit details:
Forever 21 dress
Forever 21 jacket
Francesca's Collections bandeau
Forever 21 belt
Anthropologie scarf
Cool as a Cucumber heels c/o BC Footwear