Casual weekend

On Saturday of our long weekend, we kept it pretty casual. During the day, we basically laid around, napped, ate tacos, you know, the usual. At night, Eric's band had another show in Grand Rapids at The Back Forty Saloon. It's one of their usual spots to play, and it's always a good time. A few of our friends came out and we ate barn fries, had some drinks and enjoyed the music! We headed outside for the fireworks downtown around 10:30pm (so lucky we got to see two sets of fireworks this weekend!) but I'll definitely admit fireworks are much better on the lakeshore. ;)
Outfit details:
American Eagle Skinny Jeans
Wine Country Concert Top c/o ModCloth (similar)
Peine Necklace c/o Laced Arrow
Forever21 Braided Suede Headband
Wanted Entice Flats c/o Shoe Carnival