Hazy beach

Happy Monday! Did you guys have a good weekend? We did! It was so warm here in Michigan. I'm loving this summer-y weather. On Sunday, we headed out to Muskegon (my hometown) to have lunch with my parents, and then stopped to our friend's going away party since they are moving to Nashville. Booooo, hiss. ;) Afterwards, we took a ride down to the lighthouse and snapped a few pics. It was so hazy! It looked and felt like a storm was on the way, but it was so bright! But yeah, good weekend, and next weekend is a long weekend with the holiday, so I'm looking forward to that! xo
Outfit details:
Wallflower Lace Dress c/o Meijer (similar)
Forever21 Denim Jacket (similar)
Metal-Arm Cat Eye Sunglasses c/o ZeroUV
Wanted Entice Flats c/o Shoe Carnival (similar)