May small goals

Yay to May! This is my favorite spring month, and I’m really looking forward to it. Warmer temperatures, tulip fields, upcoming shows and concerts, fun projects, a trip to Ann Arbor, and the unofficial start to summer — Memorial Day weekend! Continuing on from April, I’m trying to take my goals a little less seriously. I still have BIG goals I’m working on like saving for a house, and working on my diet and fitness goals. But I’m trying to keep those the big goals, and any other goals are just small (fun) things to accomplish or smaller goals that’ll get me closer to those big goals! 

So… for a little recap of April’s small goals:

  1. Pay off all credit card debt | DONE! We had a few expenses this month, so we’re not technically at $0 right now, but will be again at the end of the month. The way you’re supposed to use credit cards! (Not like I was before... maxing out, and then paying down). Never again!
  2. Plan an IKEA shopping trip | DONE! I’ve added everything we need to my IKEA shopping list, and have thought (and rethought) about what we need vs. what we don’t need. We are ready!
  3. Make a new recipe for Wine Club | DONE! I tried these cheese ball bites, which were pretty tasty and easy to make!
  4. Spend time with family | DONE! We hosted Easter dinner for Eric’s family. I took my Dad out to lunch for his birthday. I also spent a night hanging out with my Mom, eating delicious pizza, and working on a fun project.
  5. Get my car professionally detailed for summer | Not done… but the Groupon was purchased, and the appointment is scheduled for this Friday! So very close. I am seriously too excited.

Here are my small goals for May:

  1. Run the River Bank Run 5K | I was hoping to run the 10K this year, but it just didn’t work out. But I will be happy, excited, and challenged to run the 5K this year!
  2. Visit the tulip fields | This is one of my FAVORITE May things — the tulip fields being in bloom. I can’t wait to go and visit.
  3. Finish organizing closet | After our IKEA trip, I’m going to completely finish organizing my closet… and in June, I plan on doing a closet tour and talking more about my experience with The Curated Closet. Promise! I’m also planning another smaller IG closet sale soon!
  4. Get a blue dot everyday | On Weight Watchers, you get a blue dot if you stay within the healthy eating zone (27-37 points) and my goal is to hit that target every single day. My ultimate goal is just to get better about portion sizes, eating healthier and having more self control.
  5. Plan a weekend trip for July | So we have one free weekend this summer (seriously), and I was planning a trip to Beaver Island, but most of the lodges are already booked up! So I just want to figure out that weekend and officially book something.

I hope you guys enjoy these posts! What are your goals for this month? I'd love to hear!

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