Teddy coat


Hi friends! Popping in with a super quick post! I've honestly been living in jeans, duck boots and this teddy coat lately. I apologize for the lack of inspiration when it comes to outfits, it's just been freezing here! We finally hit some 30º temps this week and it honestly felt like a heat wave! It's so nice to be able to walk outside and not feel icicles form in your nose! Hahaha. Thankfully we're thawing out a little bit though, and the days just continue to get longer and longer!


Are you still sticking to your new year's resolutions? I've been trying to get a good start to the year! Started my gym's challenge, getting into a routine with the new WW Freestyle Plan (definitely an adjustment from the previous plan!), and paying off debt, it feels good! Hoping the year continues on this path. We don't really have anything fun and exciting going on... so not much new to update! If you guys want to see something here on the blog, let me know in the comments. Hope you're having a great week so far!
