Back at the beach


Happy spring! I’m so excited this season is finally here. And we’ve actually been seeing some decent spring temperatures and sunshine! Last weekend, it was pretty nice outside and the sun peeked out… and I just felt like heading to Grand Haven to take in some new (well, old haha) scenery. Sometimes I forget that we live so close to the beach, to lighthouses, to Lake Michigan. I grew up in Muskegon, lived in Grand Haven for several years, and sort of just miss living so close to the lake. But living in Grand Rapids, I do live close to the lake… and I can go any day I want. So here’s to more adventuring this summer, especially in west Michigan. And not feeling like I have to “plan a trip” to take in some different sights. It’s all right here.


One thing I just… love about being back in Grand Haven is all of the memories and nostalgia. I really miss that town sometimes. It’s just so fun to drive down the street… see an old barn, and be like “oh yeah, The Big Strawberry!” Drive further down the road, and see a field, and think, “Oh Fields of Color!” And as soon as you get into downtown Grand Haven, it’s just like… one post after another. Steam Locomotive, Sweet Temptations, Nautical Knots, City Beach, Grand Haven Lighthouse, Lovers Lane, Five Mile Hill, I mean, it’s where it all began for Selective Potential. And it was so much fun to run a blog there. I just love so many quaint things about that town, where I feel like I’m missing that a little bit in GR — the quaintness. And Lake Michigan, definitely Lake Michigan.


Well to step away from the past, and look to the future — we’re headed to Florida! We’re driving down with some of our closest friends! We’re staying in Nashville on the way down and back up, and spending the week in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. I’ve never been before, so I’m really excited to check out a new town, hang out with friends, eat delicious food and drinks, relax, and hopefully get some sunshine on this pasty white belly! I’m hoping once we’re back home too, spring is here to stay. If we have our annual spring snowstorm, I hope it happens when we’re gone. Haha! But it’s been a super long time since we’ve taken a week-long trip, so I’m really excited. I need a break — it’s been a long year of hustle and hard work, and I’m so glad we worked as hard as we did to pay off our debt and finish our emergency fund, but now it’s time to celebrate and live it up a little bit! I’ll pop in again before we leave, but in the meantime, be sure to follow along on Instagram!
