Work Christmas Party
Tonight was my work Christmas party! After work, I rushed home to get ready. Rushing in this weather isn't exactly doable right now. I swear people live in this state all their life and still don't know how to drive in the snow! I have a bug and I'm the snow driving master! Well anyway, I got ready before Brett. He tried on a ton of things in his closet and didn't like a thing and I walk right up to his closet, grab a shirt, he puts it on, and we go! I'm glad he trusts my instincts! We grabbed a few shots outside our apartment before heading to the party! It was at a Chinese restaurant in Muskegon in the back banquet room. It was my job to pass out drink tickets, name tags and Christmas gifts for the women! I love our work parties. More so seeing and getting a chance to hang out with my coworkers. Plus, the buffet is always delicious.
So I'm totally in love with these two necklaces I received today from Dolly and Boy Jewelry! They were sent to my work address and I walked in to the package awaiting along with an amazing note that just made my entire day. I beamed with joy and put them on immediately. I'm in love. Perfect black beaded necklaces with recycled bullet brass charms. "The branch to connect with those who make you great and a helm for guidance (or Brett's band!)" Thank you so much to Dolly and Boy jewelry for these necklaces! Be sure to check out the store at Dolly and Boy Jewelry! It's currently under construction, but you can still order these fab pieces. If you'd like a holiday discount, you can get one for $40 and two for $60 if you use the keyword "selective potential"! Email your order to!
I bought this dress a couple of months ago at the Forever 21 in Chicago. I was going to wear it to Grand Rapids Fashion Week, but instead felt a different vibe for that event, so I saved it for a holiday party. It was either going to be tonight or our 3rd annual Christmas party, but I want to be a little bit more laid back for our party here, so I went with this for a classy look out. I've been inspired by a few ladies that are layering tights lately, so decided to try it. I paired my red tights and my opaque polka dot tights for a very classy look. It really toned down the bright red and also gave it the lovely polka dot pattern. It was 28 degrees today and I can honestly say I wasn't that cold! I can definitely handle the 20's. Once it gets into the teens, that's where my teeth start chattering.
I also got my bangs trimmed last night. I always hate that first week of having freshly trimmed bangs. They always look so much better the next week, so I'm really waiting for them to grow out a little bit. When I put on my slouchy beanie, they look perfect, so give it a week and I'll be content! I also look very pale and I don't like my face in any of these photos, oh well. I don't touch tanning beds and I rarely tan even in the summer (even living in a beach town!) so I guess I can't complain. Look at all of the snow we got! It was all overnight! Michigan is crazy. We have a super fun trip planned for tomorrow as our December's "Michigan trip" so stay tuned tomorrow! Have a great Saturday!
Outfit details:
Forever21 dress
Urban Outfitters cardigan
Target tights
J. Crew tights
Forever21 bracelet
Necklaces c/o Dolly and Boy Jewelry
Ralph Lauren wedges