Packing for New York City!

I feel like such a bad blogger this week! I haven't had an outfit post since Sunday.. and now here I am again, no outfit! But I felt like saying hi, especially because for some crazy reason I've gained a lot of new readers this week... so thank you and welcome! This is definitely a personal style blog but it's also my personal lifestyle blog. I include lots about my husband, Brett, adventures we take around Michigan, posts with our friends, events and other goodies so hopefully I don't bore you to death! ;) Here is Brett, Sergeant Death and Ultra Mega helping me pack!

I'm all packed for my upcoming weekend trip to New York City for Fashion Week! I'm seriously so excited. I've never done anything like this before.. I've never even been to the big city before! I packed a giant suitcase, a smaller suitcase and a car bag full of cheese popcorn, Swedish Fish, Coke Cherry Zeros and fashion magazines! Ugh, I'm so unhealthy! Plus, a blankie for the 10+ hour drive and a 9 hour playlist! Andrea is going to love me! For those of you new here, I'm going with my amazing friend Andrea (from Blonde Bedhead) and we're driving up all day Friday! Friday night, we're going to an amazing blogger meet-up. Saturday we'll be at the Chictopia10 conference all day long and I just RSVP'ed to the after party today too! I'm too excited!

I leave tomorrow night right after class to go to Andrea's to stay the night and we leave really early Friday morning! You can follow my weekend adventure through my Twitter! I'll also try to update the blog if possible! Can't wait to post all about it and can't wait to meet all of you going!

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