Grand trunk bows
I usually plan little themes to my posts where my outfit matches my location, so where I came up with grand trunk bows, don't ask! It was one of those last minute splurges. I actually was supposed to hold onto this dress and wait to post it because I have a million other things I really need to be posting right now, but I couldn't resist. I've been living in this dress lately! I have a major crush on sleeved dresses. Especially cute patterned, brightly colored sleeved dresses. I actually was convinced to purchase this dress after I met my darling blog reader and she said she owned it in red! Sold!
I wore this giant bow on my head during NYFW and our girl's night out and it was very fitting for the big city when I was all glammed out. Walking around in a little beach town, I felt a little crazy. It's so funny how different you can feel in different settings - that's why I'm all about knowing what I'm up to before planning out my outfits! If people in my town only really knew what I was up to wearing giant bows on my head and sometimes wearing crazy heels or super crazy patterned tights or whatever. If only they knew.. I should put up a sign when Brett snaps my shots that says, "Selective Potential outfit shoot in progress"! Hehe!
Of course, we did some trespassing for these photos. We went to the Grand Trunk station because it's a really neat old cool building where back in the olden days, a train would pull into this building and a worker would drop coal into their train from the very top and then they'd go on about their way. Brett and I hopped the fence and ignored the "Danger: Falling Material" signs. We're rebels without a cause! I will laugh when someday we're arrested for trespassing for outfit posts. I'd have to get pictures of that too - and make a video called "us behind bars"! Hehe! So yeah, this picture of me hopping the fence is priceless. Totally a typical routine!
Outfit details:
Urban Outfitters dress
Urban Outfitters belt
Forever21 headband
Sam & Libby flats