Snowshoeing through the woods
Is everyone prepared for the massive storms we are supposed to be getting? I'm not sure who is supposed to get hit, but I heard something like 29 states? Pure Michigan keeps calling it Snowmigeddon. My boss at work told me to be prepared to bring work home because I might not be able to drive in. Ugh, is it spring yet? I'm so ready. Maybe I'll be out posing in a huge blizzard? We'll have to see! At least January is over and we're one month closer to warmth!
This was our third and last little session of outdoor wintry shots with photographers, Bryan and Mae! By the time we got into these outfits and got our snowshoes on, the sun was out and it was such a pretty morning! A little bit deceiving though, because it was freezing and the sun didn't help with a tiny bit of warmth! I wasn't supposed to wear this green cardigan with this outfit, but I couldn't take it off!
It was so hard to walk in these older snowshoes! I could barely do it! My feet kept getting stuck under the actual snowshoe! I think it would be super fun though to go out in really deep snow sometime! There are so many winter activities I want to do before it all ends, but yet I'm ready to say goodbye. Anyone else feeling the same way? Maybe it's because I have to drive 70 miles a day.
Outfit details:
Thrifted cardigan
Surprise Birthday Party Dress c/o ModCloth
T.J.Maxx tights
Scala Classico hat
Symmetrically Pleased Belt c/o Ruche
Regal Boots c/o Wanted