Antwerp Fashion Show

In the coming months ahead, Brett has my every weekend booked with show after show of punk rock music (not complaining, I love music as much as he does!) but tonight he literally could not say no when I asked him to attend a fashion show with me! It was put on by Lamb, a local shop in Grand Rapids. It was called Antwerp: A Fashion Journey and had looks inspired by the Antwerp Six. The Antwerp Six refers to a group of influential designers who graduated from Antwerp's Royal Academy in the 80's. It was a fun theme; something totally fresh and unique!

Brett and I made a date out of it and ate dinner downtown. Then we headed over to The Bob where the show was being held! We had our own table and it was fun to sit and people watch. Being a fashion blogger and not knowing many fashion people here... it was interesting to see how many stylish people Grand Rapids holds. Who would have thought, right? I went with a borrowed dress from my lovely friend, Kate from Postcards From. It was the perfect amount of dressy + me combined. Velvet and floral... maybe a new favorite?

I'll be posting a lot this month and next, I'm thinking. I'm so behind. My closet looks like a tornado went through it and I have at least ten unopened packages of things I need to organize. Plus, I just spent way too much money at Forever 21 during the 100% proceeds to Japan day, so that package should be arriving any day. I'm officially on a shopping and food ban. Well... not all food, of course. Just too much food. Ban on too much food. Makes sense, right? Well, I better scurry off to bed. I have a lovely giveaway coming tomorrow from ThreadSence!

Outfit details:

H&M cardigan
Dress swap with Postcards From
American Apparel bow
Forever21 tights
Forever21 belt
Seychelles Hawk Wedges