Riverside Park
I'm really hoping this is the last stretch of winter. At this point, I'm just so over it and ready for spring. I'm unmotivated to do the simplest tasks like clean out my car, take Winny for walks, or just leave my apartment in general! Plus, I'm totally out of winter ideas for outfits. No matter how much time I spend on Pinterest, scouring magazines or standing in front of my closet flinging clothes out, I cannot seem to be happy with any outfit I choose. Most of the time I have to force myself to leave the apartment, whether I like what I'm wearing or not! Otherwise I'd stand in front of the mirror for half my day undecided. Ha! Good thing this dress was adorable enough, I didn't have to style it up much!

On Sunday, Eric and I took a little trip over to Riverside Park. As soon as we pulled up, all of these ducks approached the car and I couldn't even get out the door! It was crazy. They must have been hungry. I was bummed I didn't save a little bit of my bagel to throw for them! Other than that, the weekend was mostly spent relaxing, working on a few apartment DIYs (I'll share soon!) and going to a friend's going away party. I caught some of the Oscars, but I was so tired... there was no way I was going to make it to the end!

Oh! I forgot to talk about our new roommate... ugh. Eric and I came home on Monday to a huge stain on the couch, three bags of veggie chips ripped open and poop everywhere. We were like... what the heck? A little mouse could not do this. So Eric started peeking under the couch and spotted something. So we tried to get it out with a tennis racquet and it was a squirrel. Honestly, it sounds like it'd be easy to chase a squirrel out of the apartment but this has been a two-day long process so far and he is still residing with us. It jumped out and bounced around the living room and then hid itself in the TV cabinet. We came home today and heard it in the walls, so we think we have it trapped in the basement. Our landlord set up three (humane) traps and we're hoping he gets caught tonight so we can let it loose somewhere far away tomorrow. What a nightmare though! They are not as cute and friendly as they look. They are dirty and mean! Eric and I have had to hide out in our bedroom with Winny with the door shut so he doesn't attack us! Uahhhh!

Other than our new roommate, not much else is new. I'm just sticking to WW as best as I can (it's tough!) and I'll be doing an update on that soon. I lost 6 pounds and have kept that off since NYC, but I haven't lost anything since. I guess maintaining isn't the worst thing in the world, but I am excited to get back on track. At least I'm back to the same weight I have been for the past two years, but I'm definitely not to where I was when I started this blog. That's for sure - ha! But it's the goal and I just need to continue running, training for my race in spring, eating healthy and following WW. I'll get there! It's a work-in-progress.

Outfit details:
Cat's Meow Dress c/o ever+mi.crush
Boyfriend cardigan c/o Tulle
Hue tights
Expandable Tote c/o Thimble and Thorn
Old Navy Ankle Boots