Summer of change
Now that the weather is cooling down and we're reaching the end of summer, I can't help but reflect on how much my life has changed. I know I haven't been completely up front on this blog, but it's just because I love speculation. No, hah, that's completely untrue. It's just that I'm not sure how to say everything sometimes or if I even need to here. Especially when I have readers from my parents, to my colleagues, to my best friends, to my long-time readers and to people I've never met. Life is finally settling down though, and I feel happy and comfortable again on a constant, daily basis. I've had some rough days this summer, but I've learned so much about myself and other people. It's been good for me to experience something like this and grow from it. Thank you to everyone who has been supportive of the bumpy ride along the way. In a few weeks, I'll be celebrating my third Selective Potential "anniversary" and I'm ready to go into it with a fresh attitude and optimism.

So, can we just comment on the fact at how awesome it is to be able to wear pants right now? I absolutely love this weather! Most days I'm caught in my oversized boyfriend jeans, but today I decided to pull out my mint skinny jeans I received last spring. I would have worn these so much more this summer if it hadn't been 90-degree day after 90-degree day. This is what I love about the end of summer though... I can pull off autumn outfits like this, in summer colors!

And last... I just wanted to talk about Eric. I know I haven't said flat out that we're a couple yet, but c'mon, you've all just assumed anyway, hah. Of course, everyone close to me already knows, and they know {and love} Eric. None of this was planned or intentional. Sometimes people will come into your life and change everything. They'll change how you feel, how you see yourself, the world. We've definitely been through a lot {a lot} this summer. A few people were concerned that it wasn't the best time to start a relationship, that maybe we weren't ready, but is anyone ever ready or well prepared for something like this to happen? Of course not. It just happens. The important thing is that all of our friends and family have been supportive and understanding. We feel truly blessed. Nothing is ever perfect, which I've learned, but sometimes you'll find someone who makes you feel perfect.

Outfit details:
AGAR cardigan
Pastel Me Your Secrets Jeans in Mint c/o ModCloth
Forever 21 floral top
Urban Outfitters belt
Urban Outfitters t-strap heels
Mesh bracelet c/o INPINK