Holland Harbor Lighthouse
Whoa, what a totally unexpected break there! I have been extremely under the weather this past week with a totally abrupt (and horrible) stomach flu. It's been the worst. I missed three days of work, a week's worth of blog posts... and an amazing giveaway. So, that means I have a ton of catching up to do this week. In other news though, we've been majorly hit with the most beautiful snow here in Michigan! Honestly, winter is my least favorite season but it has been really pretty. I have finally been feeling a little bit better this weekend, so I drove out to Holland to see "Big Red"!

This lighthouse has been on my list-to-see for forever. Isn't it hilarious that I've driven 8 hours to see a lighthouse and yet one that's 40 minutes away I hadn't seen yet? Silly. But anyway, it was lovely. I parked at the Holland State park, and you couldn't walk right up to the lighthouse because it's on the other side of the channel. The water looks almost frozen over! It was pretty darn cold, but there were so many people out walking around. The real name is Holland Harbor Lighthouse, but it's nicknamed "Big Red". It's definitely one of the more unique lighthouses I've seen. I love it, of course.

For my outfit today, I decided to match my location. Ha, what's new! For my adventures, the lovely Kaleigh of Unexpected Expectancy sent me this amazing telescope necklace. It actually expands and it really does magnify! It's so cute and it fits my style perfectly. And so does this chambray top! I cannot believe I didn't own a chambray top before this one, because I can see it being mixed with so many outfits. Especially a floral skirt in spring and some cute basketweave flats. Ugh, I'm definitely a warm weather child.

Outfit details:
The Chambray Shirt c/o Sprightly So
Woodsy Wonderland Coat c/o ModCloth
Target jeans
ModCloth Bow to Stern scarf
Telescope Necklace c/o Unexpected Expectancy
2568 Samosa boots