Breakfast at Wolfgang's
Yesterday, Eric and I headed to one of our favorite breakfast spots in Grand Rapids. Well, one of everyone's favorite breakfast spots in the city. Wolfgang's is a local must-visit if you're in the area. They have amazing food and really generous portions for affordable prices. The only bummer is that you usually have to wait 20 to 45 minutes in line. In the summer when you drive by, you see mass amounts of people waiting outside. I feel like breakfast is a big deal in Grand Rapids. We have so many amazing spots. I might have to start doing a weekly breakfast feature here on the blog for a while. Eric and I have a Saturday brunch tradition.

I ended up going to Forever 21 and Target this week... and went a little nuts. Both places had so many amazing sales + really cute items! There have been several times when I've gone shopping and haven't bought anything because I don't like any of the current trends. Like neon? We aren't going to get along. But during the whole floral craze a few years ago? I went nuts. Now, with the geometric/Aztec trends all over, I'm going insane. I love everything. It feels so clean and simple. It's probably the graphic designer in me but I love shapes and patterns. Black and cream is one of my favorite color combinations right now too, along with neutrals and earthy colors.

I ordered hazelnut coffee and the pecan pancakes with maple syrup for brunch. It was super delicious. Plus, bundling up inside of this giant cardigan? I was in heaven. I'm actually really enjoying winter right now. We just got a ton of snow and it's so pretty outside. Everything is white and my crazy pale skin feels right at home. Ha! My hair has been static-city though. Don't mind my crazy bangs below. Between freezing winds and static electricity, my hair has been kind of crazy lately. But as ready as I am for spring, winter can hang out for a while longer yet. I just wish we had this beauty for Christmas!

I'm really excited for this upcoming week! Today we're doing Superbowl Sunday at Eric's parents, so hopefully I'll have some photos from that. I have puppy training, a hair appointment (need these crazy bangs trimmed for fashion week!) and lots of laundry and cleaning to do before we leave for our trip on Thursday! I'll be in NYC from Friday to Sunday, so if anyone wants to get together with Eric and I, let me know! I have a fashion presentation on Friday night, and I'll be attending the LuLu*s event on Saturday night. Plus, I cannot wait to get brunch with Mara of M Loves M. I've wanted to meet that girl for forever! It'll be a fun, quick trip in the city. I always love NYC.

Outfit details:
Forever 21 Geo Print Shawl Cardigan
Forever 21 Skinny Jeans
Madewell striped iPhone case
Triple Pyramid Strand c/o Jeweliq
Suki boots c/o ShoeMint