February wishlist
It's the month of love! I seriously associate the entire month of February with Valentine's Day. I know it's a cheesy holiday, but I honestly do love it. It's a day to dress up, go to dinner, eat chocolates, receive flowers and feel extra special. Even if you're single, it's a day to treat yourself! Of course, I'm loving everything red. It's one of my favorite colors, so if I can have an excuse to wear more of it, I'll take it! I've been trying to incorporate more jewelry into my style and I'm loving Valentine's Day inspired pieces. These little heart earrings would be perfect for any of my guy readers who are looking for Valentine's Day gifts for her. I also loved this heart ring from myjewelrybox and love ring. Matching to a theme is my speciality! I feel like Valentine's Day is one of my favorite times to pull out a cute cocktail dress and go out on a random weekday. I hope you all have a wonderful month full of love. And if it's not with someone else, it's with yourself. Cheesy, I know.