Wear Red Day
February 1st was Wear Red Day, a movement that brings awareness to the American Heart Association. Did you know heart disease kills more women than all cancers combined? Pretty crazy, right? I know a lot of people dismiss it as an "old man disease", but it can definitely affect you. It's just a fun way for fashion to support and bring awareness to a big cause. I'm proud to support it. High cholesterol runs in my family, so it's something I'll have to think more about as I get older. Follow a healthy diet, be active and exercise, don't smoke and avoid secondhand smoke and get regular wellness exams from your doctor. Plus, tame your stress!

Well, even though these pictures were taken before NYFW, I'm back from the whirlwind weekend in NYC. It was a lot of traveling, but we had fun. I always enjoy seeing all of the blogger gals, meeting new friends (I'm now in love with Alex!) and getting a bit of sight-seeing and shopping in! On a bad note, I did terrible on my diet. I had the healthiest options everywhere too and yet I grabbed the pizza, and burgers instead. I'm definitely back on it today... hoping to still make half of my goal for this month. Eep! NYC, your food is too delicious!

I'll be back lots this week with recaps from fashion week and Valentine's Day posts. I honestly don't know how I'm going to squeeze it all in, but I'm going to try! I have so many photos to edit. None of my photos from the runway shows turned out, so I'll spare you the blurry snapshots. I'm really excited for Thursday and for a weekend to relax. Oh gosh, I'm already talking about the weekend and it's only Monday! Save me!

Outfit details:
Forever 21 Skinny Jeans
Embrace the Elements sweater c/o Lace Affair
Duffy jacket c/o Element
Target striped socks
Forever 21 pyramid ring
Crown Vintage boots via DSW