Groundhog's Day
Wait, wasn't Groundhog's Day almost a week ago? That's how behind I'm feeling! This week was pure chaos trying to get everything ready for NYFW. Now I'm sitting in a hotel room in Chicago ready to fly out tomorrow morning. I don't know why I stress out so much every time I go. This is my fifth time going and I always freak out about what to wear, what to pack and if I have everything all set. Thank goodness Hanes Hosiery sent me a survival kit for the weekend. I'm currently lathered up in Melt Away Stress Lotion. Ha! And I'll only be there for a weekend! Oh boy, I do think winter makes it more stressful too though.

So I owe a total dedication of this outfit and blog post to my new favorite blogger, Signe of Signeroo. Seriously - I stalk her blog like crazy. She's definitely my newest style icon in the blogging world. I seriously love everything she wears. I saw her wearing this exact outfit and I instantly went out to buy the same sweater to pair with these mustard skinnies. If you haven't checked out her blog yet, I'd highly recommend it. She's gorgeous, I love her style + she's the sweetest girl ever. This outfit goes out to you, Signe! Thank you for the constant inspiration.

So it looks like Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow this year, so spring is coming early! It sure does not feel like it. Eric and I have been freezing taking photos lately and driving to Chicago tonight was no fun at all. We're supposed to be getting a huge blizzard tomorrow in NYC, so we'll see what happens. As of right now, our flight is on time - crossing our fingers it stays that way! I'll be keeping up on blog posting as much as possible, and you can always follow along on Twitter and Instagram for more! See you soon! xo

Outfit details:
Forever 21 sweater
Target mustard skinnies
Great Timing Watch c/o Mark
Zeus Necklace c/o Jeweliq
Regal boots c/o Wanted
*Eric's GR shirt, gift from Frances Jaye