Blue Bridge
Happy Monday! I've been in an especially great and productive mood today. I'm pretty sure it's the sunshine. We have an open office at work that has tons of windows, so the flooded sunlight just got me super cheery! Plus, I actually got dressed up today. I always feel better when I'm a bit dressed up! After work, Eric and I picked up a few things to finish hanging our gallery wall. It looks really good! I think we still want another row of frames, but for now, it's finished. I feel like gallery walls are something you constantly add to, if you have the room. I'll share photos soon!

I'm proud of myself for today and hope to make everyday as productive, if I can. I ate really well with a salad for lunch and veggie tacos for dinner. I splurged on a mini root beer float, but I deserved it. We got most of our apartment done in the past few days. The living room is totally there, except for a new couch someday down the road. I'm really liking our apartment right now and am excited we'll be done with it by summer. It's funny that now I've settled in here, I'm opening a savings account to save for a down payment on buying a house. Can't I ever just relax?! I'm also really excited about doing my skincare routine every single day. I bought Clinique's All About Eyes cream and seriously can't skip a night of applying it because it's helping my under eye circles so much. I've also been trying to paint my nails every single day so I can break this horrible habit of biting them. It's a bad habit I've had since I was a kid. So yeah, excited. Every day counts!

So I'm collaborating with iSanctuary to style up a few of their jewelry pieces. iSanctuary's mission is to advocate for exploited people of the world, educate the public about human trafficking and its prevention, and help provide survivors with the means to be reintegrated as valued members of a community. All of their pieces and packaged by survivors rescued in India and orders are processed, inventoried and shipped by survivors in the U.S. Since 2007, they have served over 200 young women and girls, rescued from commercial sexual exploitation in Mumbai, India. In Orange County, CA, iSanctuary employs survivors rescued in the U.S.

Outfit details:
Sweet Moody Blouse c/o Lalamagic
Thrifted skirt
Target tights
iSanctuary Ring of Gold Bracelet
Fourth Wall Heel c/o PB&J Boutique