The Sparrows
One of my favorite coffee shops in Grand Rapids is The Sparrows. It's right in my neighborhood, so I usually love walking down here, grabbing a cherry french soda and sitting in the comfy chairs by the window or out on the patio when it's warm. I came here for the first time to work on Thursday and loved it. It was nice to get out of the apartment and work in a new setting. As much as I love my studio, sometimes I feel guilty being cooped up inside. Especially when I spend 8 hours on the computer at work, and then come home and spend more time on it for my blog. It's nice having a new atmosphere just a short walk away!

Today, Eric and I grabbed bagels for brunch and picked up a few groceries for the week. We got a really good start on hanging our gallery wall, but I knew that was going to be a nightmare project. It's just a lot of work measuring each frame, making sure you align them all correctly and they all have an equal amount of space in between them, you know? We finally hit a frame that had no way to stay on the wall. So we gave up for today and will continue on tomorrow. What a pain! I'll be happy when this wall is done. The frames have been sitting on my dining room floor since last March. Seriously. Over a year!

We stopped here for a quick second to snap some pictures and grab some beverages. Usually in winter, I go for the soy steamers or soy chai lattes. I'm not a huge coffee person, especially not espresso. I worked in a coffee shop for a year while I was in college and I was able to test every type of coffee drink there was. My favorites that year ended up being caramel steamers and ciders - haha! Even when I do drink coffee at work, I end up using mostly hot water with a splash of coffee. Silly, I know. But it's an acquired taste and I just haven't acquired it yet!

I really love the atmosphere here though and they are always playing great music. I constantly have my Shazam app out finding new stuff. Speaking of music, anything good you guys are listening to lately? I've been loving Benjamin Francis Leftwich, City and Colour "The Girl", and Family of the Year type stuff. It just feels good to listen to more chill, folk-like music in winter, I guess. Eric is playing in a country band this month, so that'll be fun to go to. I just need to come up with a country outfit, y'all!

I'm hoping this week is a good one. I'm hoping this month is a good one. I really want to get caught up on so much. Spring cleaning, organizing, paying bills off and making progress on WW. I also plan on doing a closet overhaul soon and re-opening my closet shop. I don't know if I've already said this, but my biggest goal is to be done with the apartment decorating and major "goal accomplishing" by summer. I just want to have fun this summer. I need it. I'm planning a few really fun weekend trips, a camping trip and a "staycation" where I'm off for a week where I do nothing but live life in summer in Michigan (which is perfection). I want to live in my bathing suit, on my scooter and not even go on the computer once - seriously! I can't wait.

Outfit details:
Don't Leave Me Dress c/o Joa + Closet
Urban Outfitters cardigan
Love Letter Necklace c/o Lalamagic
Target tights
Boot Cuffs c/o Three Bird Nest
Suki Boots c/o ShoeMint