February wish list
Hey guys! I'm just popping in quick to share my wish list right now. I'm so ready for spring! It's pretty obvious in my choices right now. Actually as I was putting this together, I was like… I've successfully already nabbed four of these items! I got my amazing water candle (that reminds me of a tropic paradise while it's a blizzard outside). I also finally ordered the Madewell Transport Tote I've been lusting over for almost a year. I got these adorable PJ polka dot jammies (to look like Jess from New Girl, of course) and some classic Ray Bans that I can't wait to wear every single day this summer. Other than that, I really want a new bike for spring/summer this year. I haven't had a bike in years, and I think it'd be so much fun to hop off and take a ride with Eric for a picnic or ride downtown to work. This teal one from Public is on the TOP of my list, with an adorable little basket! I also love mint for spring (of course), and florals (duh.) What's new, right? ;) I'll be back tomorrow to share a little bit of news and why I've been so spotty here on Selective Potential. In the meantime, enjoy! xo