Lilac season

Ohhhhhh my goodness, am I coming in with an outfit post? Who is this?! It’s been a while, that’s for sure. 🫣 But I’m maybe going to… try… and maybe ease back into some fashion blogging? I polled my Instagram audience a few weeks ago and 60% voted leaning into personal style and 40% voted leaning into Michigan travel… but I received several DMs asking for both. And honestly, my heart is kind of split too… so it’s nice to see it’s pretty evenly split among all of you as well! I just get into such a conundrum, when I… dress so casually these days. Especially living in the Upper Peninsula and with our colder weather. But, I’ve been getting more into some personal style lately… and figured heck, why not? Let’s see if we’ve still got it. It’s crazy how many more gray hairs you notice though when you take some significant time off. 😆

So alright! Let’s see if we remember how to write a blog! We’re currently in lilac season in Marquette… so many lilacs. It’s such a delight. It just smells so good at every corner in town, but it’s so fleeting! I wish the transitional seasons just lasted… a little bit longer. But spring has been heavenly so far, now that we’re finally seeing it in the U.P.! It takes a hot minute compared to the rest of the state! But recently I was in Grand Rapids and picked up this skirt… and was wearing this top at the time I tried it on, and loved the two paired together! Especially since the skirt sits a little higher on the waist, a crop top is the way to go. And these tops I found at Target (also bought it in beige) and it’s a lightweight linen material, perfect for summer and so affordable.

What else is new? If if you follow along on Instagram, you’ll see I pretty much… only run these days. 😆 I’ve been training for a half marathon, which I’ve never done before. I’ve never actually ran beyond a 10K before! But last fall I was pretty easily running 10Ks, so I figured if I wanted to try and challenge myself this spring/summer… a half marathon was the next step. So I committed to a training plan and began in early April! And yeah, we’re in the thick of it. Each week I’ve been increasing, and I just ran my first 10 miles last weekend. Oof! Who would have thought?! But honestly I’m having so much fun with it and really enjoy it. Otherwise I’m about to see my 100th lighthouse next week… with a fun boat trip, I’m excited. So stay tuned! And gearing up for a busy summer… lots of travels downstate, and hopefully in the UP too! Alright, thanks for reading if you made it this far!! It means the world. 🫶