St. Helena Island Lighthouse

St. Helena Island Lighthouse… my 100th Michigan lighthouse! So as most of you know, my journey with lighthouses has been a long one… and one I’ve deliberately taken slow, because I want to savor each and every one and not just blow through the list. I love that each one marks a unique time in my life… and St. Helena Island Lighthouse is no exception. I knew I wanted 100 to be a special one, and St. Helena was more of an experience… you have to take a boat to get there, you can tour the grounds, and climb the tower. Plus, she’s just a beaut! This lighthouse, with lots of rich history, and the beauty, symbolized not just an accomplishment but the many adventures and lighthouses still to come. What an unforgettable day exploring the island and lighthouse, one that’ll forever hold a special place in my heart!

I was so grateful Bugsy could join me on this one. Sometimes it’s difficult for us to travel together with conflicting work schedules, but he made effort and time for this, and it just really meant so much to me, and I wanted nothing more than for him to join on this one! Although this lighthouse requires a bit more travel/logistics, it was easy to plan thanks to Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association. They own/operate this lighthouse, and have several dates you can book that leave Mackinaw City throughout the summer. We booked our tickets, hopped on a boat, and cruised under the Mackinac Bridge out to St. Helena Island. I loved the boat ride, it was a perfect sunny day, and just seeing the lighthouse get bigger and bigger as we approached is one of my favorite things. I’ve seen it from afar so many times on my drives to and from the Upper Peninsula, but to see it up close was so exciting!

They have lighthouse keepers there during the summers on the island who help volunteer and work on the lighthouse, along with giving tours! So we had a nice tour of the boat house, the fog station, a little of the grounds, and the lighthouse itself, which was just so beautifully restored. And I was so excited we could climb the stairs to the top of the tower to get a beautiful view of Lake Michigan and the Mackinac Bridge! It was built in 1873, and provided passage throughout the Straits of Mackinac. We spotted one freighter out there! It was decommissioned in 1922, and underwent a fire, vandalism, etc., but has been beautifully restored to what it is today. And the light is still operational by the Coast Guard!

The gracious lighthouse keepers were very kind… offering up a lot of information/knowledge about the island and lighthouse. I even met one of the keepers who has seen every lighthouse on the Great Lakes. (Maybe that’s my next goal after I see all of Michigan’s? 👀) but they served us cookies and watermelon, and their hospitality made the trip memorable. We wandered the grounds for a bit, snapping lots of photos, and taking in the peaceful atmosphere of the island, being careful to keep a safe distance from Greta (the local Killdeer bird who was protecting her unborn egg babies on the ground, lol) and were able to put on a fresnel light cover over our heads and take the goofiest photos. 😆

As we pulled away from the island, everyone on the boat was quiet, and it gave me a moment to reflect. I feel like arriving is always excitement, departing is always sentimental, which usually comes with some tears. My journey with lighthouses began with growing up in Muskegon. In my early twenties, lighthouses were a cool backdrop for my outfit shots (lol) but quickly became more than lighthouses over the years and I committed to seeing every one of them in Michigan. They’ve taught me the importance of resilience, the beauty of solitude, and having hope. They’ve given me something to look forward to, and have shined a lot of light on some dark times. Thinking back to Grand Haven, when I was living out some childhood years I missed out on. To White Shoal, guiding me through heartache and letting go. To the Marquette Harbor Lighthouse, which has been a beacon of hope to my entire healing journey in Marquette. To the remote lighthouse of Stannard Rock to symbolize the end of a solitude journey in my life (moving to the UP alone and starting over) as I committed to a man who has worked endlessly to understand me, and love me deeply. Exploring Michigan’s lighthouses has been one of my favorite adventures in life, one filled with countless memories, challenges and personal growth. 100 isn't just an achievement, as I have 40 left to go, but a celebration along the journey itself. My heart is full of gratitude, and I'm so grateful for where I landed today and excited for the adventures that lay ahead. ❤️