Crunchy leaves and bare trees

November. What do I do in November? I honestly don't know. I planned to the minute every thing I wanted to do in October, but now I'm kind of lost as to my plans for November. It's nuts. We were going to take a trip to see Peter, but he is instead coming to Michigan. So we're going to take whatever extra money we get and put it all into savings for a down payment on a house. I so, so desperately want that house we've been looking at recently. It's the perfect house for us. I'm going to be so bummed when some lucky couple gets it before we do. There's no way that house won't sell soon. Anyway, enough about the house, Tieka! You're obsessed. Daylight savings is going to be a huge damper on our daylight shots. I got out of class early today so we were able to snap a quick few before heading over to lurk our house and eat dinner at Brett's parents.

Brett's parents just got an adorable kitten, Belle. She is so stinking cute. She is so playful and strong-willed against their two dogs! It's so fun. Brett and I are both absolutely in love with her; she's just the cutest ever.

Outfit details:

Target tights
BCBG skirt
Forever21 tank
Urban Outfitters belt
Forever21 belt
Target cardigan
Sam & Libby flats