Franklin Collection: Jess LC & Delightful Dozen!
Hello, my dear readers! You might be seeing an extra post squeezed in here and there. I have some major catching up to do! I hope you don't mind. I don't want to bombard you with Tiekaness. (See what I did there, Kendi?) Ahem, besides the point! Of course, if you're a long-time reader, you know that I'm in love with Jess and Jess LC and every single thing she produces. I modeled for her back in March - so I'm super excited to announce an amazing collaboration with the Delightful Dozen!
Say hello to the Franklin Collection! She had her readers vote on their favorite intention phrases, which she narrowed down to five to create into these gorgeous necklaces! She printed one side braille so that you could rub the intention and know what it meant, but it was your own secret. The actual written intention is on the other side. It's a constant reminder of something you want to achieve. I chose Be Present because I constantly used to live in the past and for a while I constantly lived in the future, but I need to remind myself to Be Present. Live now - don't take a single moment for granted! This is your life!
So I thought I'd give you a closer look at the outfit I chose to style up my Be Present necklace. Be sure to check out the lookbook on Jess LC's website! I wanted something simple to complement the necklace. I also could not smile this day! These were the first pictures Brett and I took after my wisdom teeth surgery and I talked so weird with this crazy "lishp" and Brett kept making me giggle and it hurt so bad! Haha! I'm glad I'm back up to regular posting. So much to do!
What intention would you guys choose and why?