Ada Covered Bridge

This past weekend was beautiful! I'm so grateful for the lovely weather we've had this fall. I enjoyed my Saturday running around town. I checked out our brand new Anthropologie. I love it! I also went to our local thrift shop and I bought two dresses that need heavy altering... but I'm going to try and take on the challenge. Eep! Afterwards, I took a drive to Ada Covered Bridge.

When I lived in the city, I used to ride my scooter here. It's a beautiful area. The bridge was built around 1857. It is said that farmers used to drive wagons loaded with stone onto the bridge during high water to hold it to the foundation. Isn't that crazy? The river is nowhere close to the bridge now! The bridge was closed to automobile traffic in 1930, so it's just a walking bridge. The Fallasburg Covered Bridge I explored last August still lets cars drive through!

I figured a hundred years ago, horse drawn carriages would ride through this bridge... so of course, I dug through my closet to find my horse print dress! How like me, right? Not only matching to the seasons... but to historic elements in places I visit. Hehe! This dress actually has a cross-strap back which I love in spring and summer.

Outfit details:

Stallion dress c/o Sosie
Forever 21 black top
Champion Bowler hat c/o ModCloth
Seychelles boots via Gilt Groupe