An autumn barn
I love revisiting my favorite spots each season. I actually took some of my favorite autumn photos last here in this very location. Along the west coast of Michigan, there are just so many pretty fields. It's hard to not take photos in every one! But I swear autumn colors or spring blossoms, freshly fallen snow or rich greens, fields really do make for a pretty setting. I loved having Winny tag along. She went nuts in the field. Rolling around, picking up and carrying around branches, biting the shrubs, the usual.

I love how Winny is just a black blob of blur in these photos - haha! She honestly cracks me up. I can't believe she's going on 12 weeks soon! She just had her first vet visit recently and had pretty bad ear infections in both ears. I felt awful, but they filled them with medicating wax and she's doing a lot better. I just have to go back in four weeks to have a second dose and then she should be healed. I'm also considering a six-week puppy training course - would any of you recommend? I know now is the time I need to be thinking of all of this, but at the same time, she feels so young! She doesn't listen to half the stuff I say. Eric and I have to scream "Winn-ayyy!" in this crazy voice and she finally perks up and listens for two seconds. Haha!

Other than Winny news, not much else is new besides the usual work, blog, eat, sleep, wake up and do it all over again. We're still having constant rain which is putting a huge damper on so many of my autumn ideas. I guess our Indian Summer was shortened to just one day - tomorrow - but who knows if that will even happen. Let's just cross our fingers. I need to figure out a Halloween costume like... now, and pay a trip to the apple orchard for more cider and donuts. I can never get enough! I'm also writing down a lot of goals lately. My biggest ones are to lose the weight I've gained, get back into shape and be able to run a 5k again, stick to my set budget and finish this apartment finally. I have so many frames unhung still and I've been living here... 8 months now. Ah, that's sad!

Outfit details:
Bree Polka Dress c/o 11 Eureka Boutique
Forever 21 jacket
Forever 21 hat
Dani Gold wedges c/o B.A.I.T. Footwear
Winny's Chevron Bandana via Mike Loves Mommy