Acres of antiques


Hellooooo. Sorry for the long pause! I feel like we’re stuck in a never-ending winter and I just can’t seem to pull it together this season! Hoping spring will rejuvenate me somehow… if it EVER comes! But since March is here, at least we start to see more daylight, so hopefully that makes the blogging game a little easier. But! In the meantime, we took a quick trip over to Lansing area last weekend because Eric had a show with his band, Chain of Lakes (that sold out!) I thought it’d be fun to make a little adventure out of it, book a hotel, stay overnight and explore the area. It wasn’t my favorite trip — not a ton to do, but we did have a great time at his show at the Robin Theater, ate dinner at Lansing Brewing Company, brunch at Golden Harvest, a little window shopping in East Lansing, and then explored this little antiques district in Mason just south of Lansing. So all in all — a good little getaway!


I had been to this antiques district once before years ago, but it wasn’t at all how I remembered it. Isn’t that funny how the brain remembers something totally different? It was neat though, and we walked around a few of the shops. I’m on the hunt for a cool vintage rug, but at the same time, not really, because I don’t want to buy anything until we buy a house. So I guess it was a good thing they had zero rugs! Haha. But yeah, I’m excited to decorate a home someday. I feel like home decor is one of my biggest passions, and I haven’t done anything with that passion in YEARS just waiting on the time when we can make something truly “ours”. I should have had that mentality more with renting, but I never thought buying a house was THAT far off. Until I found Dave Ramsey, became obsessed with getting out of debt and building our emergency fund before buying a house (not a bad thing, of course!) but we’ve definitely had to put some things on hold (but it’s been 100% worth it). We’re so close now though… and in the meantime, I’ll just be pinning all the inspiration!


But yeah, if you’re ever in the southeast Michigan area, and you like antiquing, check out this little area! It’s called the Mason Antiques District (or Acres of Antiques) and there are over 10 buildings and over 100 booths of different vendors. It’s fun to walk around (maybe go when it’s warmer!) and check out the different goods for sale. After we strolled a few of the shops, we headed to A&W for root beer floats and headed home. As much as I love traveling around Michigan, I need to take some better winter trips. We don’t travel a ton in the winter, mostly because I’m in hibernation mode, wanting to crank on my goals because summer is such a busy time, but I definitely want to plan a better winter Michigan trip next year. Any ideas? Thinking maybe Marquette area since there’s lots to do in the city (restaurants, breweries, etc.) and still lots of pretty winter scenic views. Anyway! Hope you guys had a great week; I’ll be back soon! xo
