Escanaba Lights


Hi hi! So a few weeks ago, I decided to drive out to spend an afternoon in Escanaba! I spent an entire long summer weekend here last year and it was one of my favorite UP trips. I had a great afternoon, I just wish I would have preplanned a little bit more. It was sort of spontaneous, and right now… it’s just hard to be spontaneous in winter, on a Sunday, during COVID times. Most of my favorite restaurants were closed down for takeout, the wineries were closed down to shop, and I felt a little lost, but I made the most of it, was able to try takeout from a new restaurant in the area that was open, and I headed down to one of my favorite little loops… Sand Point where the Escanaba Harbor Crib Light and Sand Point Lighthouse live!


It was so funny too, I definitely wasn’t alone in my idea to eat lunch in my car down at this point. There were a few cars doing the exact same thing and one of them ended up being a gal that works for Visit Escanaba! So they ended up featuring one of my photos on their IG account last week. For as BIG as the UP is, it all just feels like a small town. The people are so connected and proud of where they live and the community aspect here is just 🥰. Seriously I get all the feels for this place and the people. It’s an entirely different world up here.


What are you all doing for the holidays? Most of my family and friend gatherings are cancelled. Last night I had a virtual work holiday party… and it was honestly just so heartfelt. I feel like it really says a lot about a company if you can turn a virtual Zoom call into a really enjoyable, heartfelt “party”. We all went around and said… a favorite memory or something we’re grateful for, and I definitely said this year that it’s this place, the beauty, the adventures. I always wanted to live UP here but thought it’d be when I retired someday. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to live here while I was young + in this time of my life while still being able to keep my career with my work family I love so much. I also had our annual holiday wine club last night with the girls which was so good and so needed. I miss them more than anything. But I will be heading back down to GR for Christmas! So I’ll get to see some people + relax at home for a bit before heading back UP! I’ll be back though with a few more posts before then!
