Marquette Breakwater Light


So, this is what my Saturday nights look like UP here. Haha! I remember this night really well, because it was just *such* a vibe. But, let’s context this first huh? We’re at the Marquette Breakwater Light! I’ve seen this one a million times… from the Ore Dock, from the Marquette Harbor Light, from every scene in town, but this was my first time actually walking all the way out to the breakwall and I’m just really glad this was my first time. Again, it was just suuuuuchhh a vibe. The sunset was perfect, I absolutely loved the colors, it was cold but manageable, and seeing the two lighthouses light up from this spot during all of this was just 😍. The pathway is sort of hidden, you’ll walk past the US Coast Guard building and you’ll see a pathway along the edge of a fence… and it’ll lead you straight out! You can also scale the rocks to get to the light itself, but I didn’t do that this time. Will likely do that in the future though!


The lighthouse(s) that used to sit here looked very different than the one that’s here today! It was more of a skeletal iron tower. But a severe gale swept away the two first lighthouse towers (yes, 2 of them). The second tower was retrieved and placed back, only to be swept away again. Hahaha, can you imagine? But this breakwall was finished in 1894, and a skeleton iron tower was placed to serve as the third lighthouse to mark the breakwater. That tower was removed from the outer end of the breakwater in 1985 (just one year before I was born!) and was replaced by a white cylindrical tower (that you see here today). The fourth-order fresnel lens used in that lighthouse is on display at the Marquette Maritime Museum. Interesting right?!! I don’t know, maybe not. I’m interested, hahaha. 🤷‍♀️


So yeah, if you’re ever visiting Marquette, be sure to walk on out here! I’d recommend sunrise or sunset, just because it’s magical in this area during those two times of day… but no matter what, it’s a fun spot to explore and trek out to. It’s actually quite a ways to get all the way out here, and I didn’t even scale the rocks to the actual light! Hmmm what else is new? I got a few questions on this rib-knit sweater from H&M, and it’s out of stock… this exact one at least, but this one is pretty similar! And again, these jeans will be on repeat for a while. They’re my favorite. Okay, well I’m off! I’ll be back… more UP content headed your way! I’m excited to move into some of my winter content. We just need more snooowww!
